winter sonata


To my beloved one, i dedicate dis poem specially for you <3

Every long lost dream
Let me to where you are,
Others broke my heart
They were like North Stars 
Pointing me on my ways 
Into your loving arm
God blessed the broken road 
and let me, straight to you.

p/s. ohh syok nye lah kalau dapat maen kepal kepal salji. Pastu tempek kat muke orang. wee ~ Pastu pulak, time stress macam ni lah tetibe duk mengidam nak maen piano. HAHA. 


Nana said...

comel yewwww :)

dill said...



nemolovesjj said...

Saya kawan your sis... Mohon copyright untuk buat profile pic boleh?

khadijah said...

comel la doodle awak.. pandai awak buat, jeles tengok.. suke bace blog awak tengok doodle yang comey2..:)

RaraTan said...

@Nana Ichigo hee.. tenkies dear :)

RaraTan said...

@dillhehehe. skali skale menjiwangkan diri. ki3

RaraTan said...

@nemolovesjj sure! tak kesah pun :)

RaraTan said...

@khadijah haha. takde lah dear. bese2 je doodle RT ni. huu. btw, tenkiu !:)

hafrizzul hafiz said...

winter sonata pulak da..

RaraTan said...

@hafrizzul hafiz hee :)